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Pahar Trust project completed

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Message from John Angood.

Thank you to all who contributed to our project to raise funds to convert a classroom to pre-school use in the Pokhara area of Nepal.

We have completed the fundraising for the Pahar Trust, raising a final total of £4,312 with funds coming from Pershore, Evesham and Worcester Rotary Clubs. £3,000 will be used to renovate a classroom in Shree Fumrokhu School and the remaining £1,312 will start the renovation of the Shree Birethanti School.

The project arose from a visit to the Pahar Trust in Pokhara in November 2019 by Clive and Jan Crouch, Lucy Thornton, John and Anne Angood. Two Gurkhas from the Trust took us

out into the countryside to visit a school which made an impression on all 5 of us.

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1 comentariu

18 oct. 2022

Please can I have the full story plus pictures to go with this and I’ll do a public news item

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