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Data Protection

Privacy is important to us, so we always keep data securely. We do not share any personal details with anyone or any organisation outside Rotary and no data held by Rotary is sold for any purpose.  Our full Privacy and Data Protection Policy can be downloaded here: GPDR 7 Pershore. If you want to know if we hold any data on you, instructions on how to obtain those details and contact details are contained in this document.

Safety and Security

The Rotary Club of Pershore has adopted all of the standard policies recommended to us by our parent organisation "Rotary Great Britain and Ireland".

Equality and Diversity

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary GB&I) is committed to promoting equality, fairness and respect. We aim to create an environment where diversity is recognised, valued and celebrated. We will provide equal opportunities for all Rotarians to develop and to fulfil their potential. We will engage fully with our diverse society. We will take care to assess the impact of our policies and their implementation on race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion and belief, gender, gender reassignment, disability, sex or sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity and age equality. These are the ‘Protected Characteristics’ contained in the Equality Act 2010, and they also correspond broadly with the headings under which citizens are legally protected from discrimination in employment and other aspects of participation in society, in equality legislation in the Republic of Ireland, namely the Equal Status Act 2000 as amended by the Equality Act 2004.The full Policy Document can be downloaded here: RGBI Equality and Diversity Policy 2024

Health and Safety

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (Rotary (GB&I)) acknowledges that it has a responsibility to ensure that all Rotary districts and Rotary clubs within Rotary (GB&I) are made aware of the essential need to plan and organise all Rotary activities and events in a safe manner. Rotary (GB&I) is committed to ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to safeguard the participants, members of the public, volunteers, Rotarians and anyone who may be near a Rotary event or activity from risk of injury or ill health resulting directly or indirectly from that activity or eventThe full Policy Document can be downloaded here: Rotary-GBI-Health-and-Safety-Guidance-March-2023

Safeguarding of Adults and Children

All of our Rotary clubs and districts recognise that the services they provide are used by children and by adults who may be classed as at risk of harm* or may be vulnerable at certain times.

The clubs and districts are committed to ensuring the welfare of children and adults who may be at risk of harm. This involves:

  1. Reporting the risk to an appropriate agency and Rotary GB&I.

  2. Promoting a safe environment within the organisation. This is achieved by protecting all from the risk of abuse, identifying and dealing with specific instances of abuse if it occurs.

  3. Regular provision of safeguarding training by district officers.

  4. Access to support from Rotary GB&I.

Every possible action is taken to prevent abuse and to deal with it as promptly and effectively as possible if it occurs.

The full Policy Document can be downloaded here: RIBI Safeguarding of Adults and Children Policy 2024

* Definition from Ann Craft Trust


Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland is a welcoming and trusted organisation which aims to create opportunities for serving our communities at home and across the world. It is imperative that everyone, including members, who come into contact with Rotary feel valued and respected.

This page outlines the guidance available which supports you, the member, to make your Rotary journey a safe and enjoyable one, including the SpeakUp service. There are also district officers in the key areas listed below who can provide support and training to clubs:

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

  • Data Protection

  • Health and safety

  • Safeguarding


Rotary has, at its core, the values of integrity, fellowship, diversity, service and leadership. These are demonstrated in the conduct of both the organisation and individual Rotarians and uphold the law by providing the framework of compliance, details which are found in the member’s area.

Rotary’s values are set against the conduct that is expected of every member.

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A good check as to whether volunteers are recognised and valued and whether dignity and respect is being promoted is to apply the Four-Way Test. This is the non-partisan and non-sectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The Rotary Four-Way Test states:

Of the things we think, say or do:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?

  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

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