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Having Fun

Apart from all the charity work that we do, the other side of Pershore Rotary is the social life and friendship we enjoy.

At our regular meetings, every Wednesday, we have many kinds of activities ranging from having coffee and a chat (every other Wednesday), having a lunch meeting usually with a guest speaker on the first Wednesday of the month and an online Zoom meeting every third Wednesday where we often have guest speakers from all round the world.

We also have bigger social events, ranging from an annual Summer Garden Party, Christmas Party, Black Tie "President's Night", Quizzes, day trips, an annual "Non-Weekend Away", St. George's Day Dinner and more.


You can't be serious .... (attributed to Jon McEnroe)

Pershore Rotary Club is very much about enjoying friendship, but there is a serious side to the club too.

We are all committed to use the strength of numbers that we have both locally and in the more than 1.2m Rotary members worldwide to help our local communities and needs all round the world.

Many of our social activities have a serious or fundraising part to them - dinners will always have charity raffles - ticket money for concerts will go to specfied charities - coffee mornings will usually involve discussing and planning fund raising activites - lunch meetings have speakers telling us about their charities and how we can help them.

It is important to note that all the money that we raise for charity goes to the charities and needs that we have identified. All the costs of our social activities are bourne by the individuals and never impinge on our charity collections.

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