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Facebook in October


October is Economic & Community Development month in the Rotary calendar and, once again, a series of postings relating to Rotary's worldwide involvement in supporting the improvement and development of local communities, have been put together to interest non-Rotarian readers.

The first set of postings highlights Rotary's support for local community businesses in various countries. These are a very very small example of the multitude of projects worldwide, but they try to show the wide scope of projects carried out.

The next set of postings will relate to TOP Networking and the recent Festival of Business they strongly supported. Pershore Rotary is the 'charity' member of TOP and has been well supported in the past few years by Graham Avison and David Wickins. TOP is run by Pershore Rotarian, Richard Frazer and chaired by Rotarian, Jason Jones. A number of TOP members are also Associate Members of Pershore Rotary.

Further postings will include reference to global poverty and the need for sustainable projects to alleviate the cycle of poverty.

Finally, we will be posting the lead up to World Polio Day on 24 October. Which will, interestingly, lead us to the theme for November, ie The Rotary Foundation.

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