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Oct 14, 2024
In Compliance
These downloadable forms and examples cover most areas of Health, Safety and Safeguarding. There are blank forms and examples. Find what is most appropriate to your event and download and use these forms. Bartlett Event Insurance Referral Form Car Event & Vehicle Movement Checklist Car Show or Rally Checklist Event Management, Emergencies and Incident Planning Event Management Plan Appendix A - Large Events Event Management Plan Appendix B - Small Events (Example) Event Planning - Areas to Consider Outdoor Event Risk Assessment Indoor Event Venue Risk Assessment (Example) Small Event Planning Form General Data Protection Regulations (Rotary General - we have our own - see policies at the bottom of each page) Road Running & Cycle Event Checklist Risk Assessment Form Health & Safety Risk Assessment Reference Guide Safeguarding - Children & Adults at Risk
Oct 14, 2024
In Compliance
INTRODUCTION Rotary clubs across these islands run a considerable number of events and activities. The vast majority are well organised, well managed and take place in a comfortable and reassuring atmosphere. These are activities where Health and Safety is seen as normal practice. Evidence of this can also be seen in published reports of activities and is supported by the very limited number of accident claims reported to Rotary International GB&I and the insurers. The public perception of Health and Safety is not always good and far too often is based on misleading stories which owe more to a desire for circulation than promoting good practice. We need to be aware of this and to act or respond accordingly. This means ensuring that adequate risk assessments are carried out and followed through in order that Rotary maintains a positive image and that no participant, member of the public or any Rotarian suffers as the result of an accident, incident or illness caused by a badly run activity or event. The main purposes of guidance are: • to interpret helping Rotarians to understand what the law says and the requirements under the Health and Safety at Work Act; • to help Rotarians comply with the law; • to give technical advice. This guidance is not compulsory, and Rotarians are free to take other action. But if they do follow guidance they will normally be doing enough to comply with the law and Rotary Great Britain and Ireland Policies. Please refer to Compliance - Rotary GB&I Members Area ( (members section) for current policies and guidance for all compliance matters. In particular, insurance reference documents should be reviewed to ensure adequate cover for events. Continue to organise and run the multitude of events that individual members, clubs and districts run every year, and please ensure that they continue to be safe. If in doubt seek advice – you know it makes sense. Peter King Compliance Officer Rotary International Great Britain and Ireland Read the full document here
Oct 14, 2024
In Compliance
Introduction Compliance The aim of this guidance document is to support the Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland (Rotary GB&I) Safeguarding Policy children and adults at risk and to give a brief overview of Safeguarding together with information on specific activities. The Rotary GB&I Safeguarding Policy is available online and are not part of this supporting guidance document. The Safeguarding Policy is one of four policies under the heading of Compliance which also includes the Health & Safety Policy, Data Protection Policy and the Equality & Diversity Policy. Who are we setting out to protect? We need to protect three groups of people: children and adults at risk from abuse and, to a lesser extent, ourselves from misunderstandings and from failing to follow guidelines. Read the document in full
Oct 02, 2024


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