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Prosecco Ladies help Strawberry Sale

Pershore Rotary Club ran a Strawberry Stall at Broad Street Food Market on Saturday 6th July making £164 profit to help local charities and people in need.

Pershore Prosecco Ladies help out
From left to right: Sue Neville, Sue Rees, Anne O’Shea, Tracy Palin

As usual for Pershore Rotary Club, this is all in aid of raising funds for us to be able to give financial support to local needs, and we were grateful to Pershore Prosecco Ladies turning out to help us with the stall.

We were able to buy beautiful sun ripened Strawberries from a local farm, and although heavy rain spoilt achieving a good customer turn-out for the stalls, buyers did return remembering our strawberries from last month. By mid morning most of the 200 punnets on sale had gone.

The Pershore Prosecco Ladies took over 2nd shift and we were sold out by 1pm, resulting in a profit of £164. All proceeds went into the Rotary fund which is there to support local charities and people in need.

Rotarians Mina Crisp and Lynne Raymer and a table full of beautiful sun ripened strawberries from a local farm.
Rotarians attracting customers to the Strawberry stall in Pershore Market.
Rotarians Carole Hecht and Graham Avison encouraging customers for the last few punnets left.

Two young men buy the last strawberries
The final punnets go at 1pm.

Watch out for us next year ... we will be back in the Strawberry season again.

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