Anything the BBC can do, Rotary can do too! Question Time is a successful, long-running programme for "Auntie". And so it has proved also to be for Rotary.
For the past 13 years Rotary has put on its own version, raising in the region of £40,000 for local charities. All this has been achieved at minimal cost, through local sponsorship, free use of the lecture theatre and catering facilities at West Mercia Police headquarters at Hindlip Hall (thank you all at Hindlip) and plus the considerable efforts of Rotarians and friends.
And this year was no different - the overall profit from the event on 7th October was £2,800 which was sent to the Alzheimers Society UK just before Christmas.
£2,800 for Alzheimer's Society - what a Christmas Present
Our panellists came with a wide range of backgrounds and experience, including church, police, politics, sport, industry, health, media, entertainment, military, and all gave their services willingly and free of charge. Only once have we been let down, when a panellist just failed to turn up. This necessitated a very quick survey of the audience to identify a suitable substitute. Luckily, this was possible, and our late replacement did an excellent job. Our experienced Chairman, Derek Emmins, could relax!
The panellists faced a variety of questions sometimes reflecting their own area of expertise, possibly leading to some lengthy replies, sometimes not. But always, they gave considered answers.
Less serious questions invited panellists to choose a luxury to have with them on a desert island, and what career they would have followed in an ideal world.
Luxuries included an ‘endless’ case of wine, painting materials, a library or their favourite car. Alternative careers mentioned covered such activities as archaeology, professional sportsman, dancer, yachtsman. Quite a variety and some very unexpected.
Pershore Rotary Question Time has always been an enjoyable event and one which it is hoped will continue to entertain and facilitate fundraising for many years to come.
A big big thanks to the panellists, helpers, West Mercia Police, Derek for chairing, Jonathan Sington for organising (ever the hard worker behind this event, but reluctant to take the praise). But finally, and of course, an even bigger thank you to everyone who bought tickets or sent donations.
Pershore Rotary Question Time will be back again this autumn, so keep an eye open on the Pershore Rotary Events later in the year.